Spring Golf Outing

May 19, 2025 at Lochmere Golf Club

Help Support Campership Funds
& Program Development

Support a great cause while enjoying the fun and fellowship of a day on the Lochmere Golf Course!

Why? Help us bring kids to camp this summer! Funds raised in this Golf Event will be used to provide camperships to attend camp and for program development. It is our policy that no one is turned away from camp programs due to a lack of funds.

Format: 4 Person Scramble

Golfer Donation:
Individual: $100.00
Foursome: $380.00
12 Team Mulligans: $400.00

We are requesting that all golfers pay in advance.

Tournament Schedule:
8:00 AM    Check-in opens
8:00 AM    Coffee, Donuts & Biscuits
8:45 AM   "Putt for All" Event
9:10 AM    Tee Off (Shotgun)
(Bagged lunch served on the course)
When your round is done, head home!


Interested in donating a prize or becoming a sponsor?

Contact Nancy at 919.552.9421 ext. 115

Tee/Hole Sponsor (Includes: a sign and recognition in the day’s program)
First Time Sponsor = $150.00 donation
Returning Sponsor = $100.00 donation

Gold Sponsor = $500.00 donation
(Includes: two signs, two player registrations, and recognition in the day’s program)

Platinum Sponsor = $1,000.00 donation
(Includes: two signs, foursome registration, recognition on drink cart and in the day’s program)

Other opportunities - due by April 1st to allow time for delivery:
(note cost of items will be deducted from your donation acknowledgement tax receipt letter.)

Golf Ball Sponsor = $1,500 donation
(Includes: your logo on a sleeve of balls for each player, foursome registration, recognition on drink cart, and in the day's program)

Swag Bag Sponsor = $1,200 donation
(Includes: your logo on a drawstring swag bag for each player, foursome registration, and recognition in in the day’s program)

Cooling Towel Sponsor = $1,000 donation
(Includes: your logo on a cooling towel in carabiner case, two player registrations, and recognition in the day’s program)

Divot Fixer Sponsor = $750 donation
(Includes: your logo on divot fixer for each player, two player registrations and recognition in the day’s program)

Koozies Sponsor = $750 donation
(Includes: your logo on can koozies, two player registrations, and recognition in the day’s program)

Opener/Key Chain Sponsor = $500 donation
(Includes: your logo on key chain/bottle opener for each player, one player registration, and recognition in the day’s program)

Other items can be done at sponsor request.

Sincere thanks to our 2025 Premier Sponsor!


Upcoming Events

Reach 100!

Help us bring 100 kids in need to a week of faith-based residential camp.

Through the “Reach 100” challenge, A†KB hopes to assist campers in financial need as well as provide each child with a positive and lasting impression of their value as a child of God.

  • $665.00 covers a full week for one camper
  • $322.50 covers a half week for one camper
  • $166.25 covers a quarter of a week for one camper