Together with congregation members, we exist at camp to help you fulfill the baptismal promises to teach the faith.
“Walking Together” is a good thing: side-by-side in the same direction, with the same goals and values, moving forward through the world in step. The North Carolina Synod of the ELCA and Agapé † Kure Beach Ministries do just that, especially in April when our synod recognizes Agapé as one of its partners. Agapé is but one of the Synod’s institutions that walk together. The Synod values all of its partners, and we stand thankful for their support, prayers, and leadership.
Our Executive Director said recently of this highly valued partnership: “The Synodical Leaders reminded us that we have an important role in the synod, walking with us as partners and holding up the value provided in faith formation and building leaders in all God’s people.”
Sunday, April 25th is “Agapé † Kure Beach Ministries Camp Sunday" Synod wide. We are thankful for our many supporters, congregations, and camper/counselors who we are privileged to serve. Together with congregation members, we exist at camp to help you fulfill the baptismal promises to teach the faith.
Join us on Sunday April 25th to share this great story!
Use this prayer or any prayer petition you desire to lift up and celebrate the joy of outdoor ministry.
Prayer: We pray for our partners in ministry at Camp Agapé and the Kure Beach Faith Center. Hold the staff of our camps in your hands, Lord. Lead them and guide them as called servants. We pray this day for the safe return of retreat groups, and especially for our young people as they prepare to attend camp this summer. We celebrate this day the gifts that Agapé † Kure Beach Ministries shares with us, as together we nurture faith in all people. Amen.

Agapé † Kure Beach Ministries calls and gathers all people to experience the Spirit through encounters with Christ, in Creation and Community.
Camp Sunday Materials to Download, Link or Share:
- Text for bulletins and newsletters
- Information about SITs (Staff In Training)
- Information about Summer Camp
- Information about camp protocols
- Coming events trifold brochure
- Posts to share on your Facebook page, Instagram page, or in E-News (click on the link, right click on image, copy image and paste into your post):
Videos to share with your congregation
What is Agapé † Kure Beach Ministries
Upcoming Events
Reach 100!
Help us bring 100 kids in need to a week of faith-based residential camp.
Through the “Reach 100” challenge, A†KB hopes to assist campers in financial need as well as provide each child with a positive and lasting impression of their value as a child of God.